Why choose
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Robots have the basic characteristics of perception, decision-making and execution, which can assist or even replace human beings to complete dangerous, heavy and complex work, improve work efficiency and quality, serve human life, and expand or extend the range of human activities and capabilities.

The robot is an individual with three elements of brain, hand and foot, as well as a non-contact sensor (receiving remote information with eyes and ears) and a contact sensor, as well as a sensor with balance sense and intrinsic sense. The robot can work by hand, move by foot, and complete the task of unified command by brain. Non-contact sensor and contact sensor are equivalent to human's five senses, enabling the robot to recognize the external environment, while balance sense and inherent sense are indispensable sensors for the robot to perceive its own state, so the sensor is the key component of robot position, direction and motion control.

Why choose

·High requirements for operation reliability

·Higher requirements for repetition accuracy

·Small size gives motor more size options

·Low energy consumption and better operation efficiency


·Industry standard output signal options

·Repetition accuracy < ± 3 angular seconds

·Wide resolution range

·Multiple dimensions, straight shaft and taper shaft optional

·Low noise operation

·Low moment of inertia

·Easy installation and maintenance
